
Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Dress Your Shelves!

The main thing people struggle with while designing a space is accessory placement. How do you place that old photo of Grandma and Grandpa at age 18 or that lovely clay dish you found on that trip to Mexico? Arranging a bookcase or shelf can be tricky. It is really one of those things you just have to fuss with. Moving a framed photo one inch and placing it on a stack of books can make a world of difference. My advice is to find an inspiration photo of a bookcase or shelf you like and try and replicate it. You don't need to go purchase every item you see in the photo, but try to create a similar look with your own items. Here are some of my bookcase sources of inspiration. Enjoy!

Happy Decorating!

~ Annie

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{above photos courtesy of}'

(above photos courtesy of}

What is your favorite thing on your bookcase or shelf?

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